This dynamic trio never fails to put on a ROCKIN show. A night with the Happy Fits is a night where anyone can belong and feel safe to be themselves.

We loved getting to hear them play songs from their latest album ‘Under the Shade of Green’. They have a natural talent for making you feel less alone in a lonely world. And their ability to shed light and hope on depressing topics makes it easy to forget about all your troubles and just dance the night away.

If you haven’t seen the Happy Fits live, you absolutely must!!! We can’t wait to see them again.

Under the Shade of Green Album Review
Some albums might feel like an arbitrary collection of an artist’s latest singles. The Happy Fits’ third album is not of the sort. The New Jersey based trio intentionally crafts together a complete 12 track ensemble that paints an emotionally charged mosaic of the fears, anxieties, and struggles this generation in particular may commonly be facing. Themes such as nihilism, self doubt, heartache, the pains of growing up, societal destruction, and longing for more make up the fabric of ‘Under the Shade of Green’. To attempt to carry the weight of all these ideas alone will inevitably leave a person in hopelessness and despair.
Much to our surprise, lyricists and musicians, Calvin Langman, Ross Monteith, and Luke Davis confront these deep traumas with hopeful undertones and upbeat melodies, suggesting there is still hope that can be found. Instead of leaving us in anguish, The Happy Fits leave us expectant for the future. ‘Under the Shade of Green’ is poetic, unapologetic, mature, layered, and optimistic. We implore you to give this album a thorough, comprehensive listen!
Show Date: 12.01.22 | Los Angeles, CA @ The Fonda