For their highly anticipated first headline show of 2024, Wilmah, a New York City-based duo, rocked with the spirited crowd at Nublu, an intimate yet vibrant live music club in the East Village. The duo is comprised of childhood friends Matt Connolly (vocals and guitar) and Will O’Connor (bass), and the two have been making alt-pop music together under Wilmah since 2018. Joining the duo on stage and magnifying the energy was Greg Carleton on sax, Mark Dylan on guitar, and Alex Poeppel on drums.
Wilmah’s music is characterized by an irresistible catchiness that reels listeners in from the first few notes. Each song is a contagious blend of hooks and harmonies, and even if you didn’t know the song when it started, you would be singing along by the second half. Seeing them perform “Television” and “Crazy 4 Your Crazy” was a testament to the band’s ability to craft sounds that are as infectious as they are unforgettable. Not only did people sing and rock along, but “Good to Go”, my personal favorite, had the crowd fully screaming out to the angsty lyrics:
You brought out the worst in me
You should know, now I’m good to go
Please don’t take it personally
Good god, I’m good to go.
Thanks to the intimacy of the venue, the crowd felt more like a community than a room full of strangers, which helped make the space feel truly alive. A disco ball scattered light all around the room and happiness was radiating off of everyone as the band started playing. Seeing the band members enjoy themselves and interact with each other on stage made it natural for the crowd to shamelessly dance and sing-along. Mid-show, one of the bandmates’ moms even personally delivered drinks from the bar to the stage for the musicians. The welcoming and comfortable atmosphere was a refreshing reminder on why shows at smaller venues are so special.
Wilmah’s first headline performance of the year also happened to be my first concert of 2024, and it set things off to a strong start. The kindness of Wilmah’s fan base and community had me leaving the concert full of joy and reminded me of the power of live music to unite and uplift people. If the live music that is in store for this year is anything like this, I’m in for a real treat.
Show Date: 02.15.24 // Wilmah Headlines the Nublu in NYC : A Night of Alt-Pop Bliss