
Waterparks Crowns Philly Crowdsurfing Champs and More On Property Tour


MusicLive CoverageWaterparks Crowns Philly Crowdsurfing Champs and More On Property Tour

Waterparks Crowns Philly Crowdsurfing Champs and More On Property Tour

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“It’s been a pleasure, it’s nice to meet you.” Those lyrics have been stuck in my head since the night Waterparks opened their show with the first song off of their latest album INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. May 19th I captured their show at the TLA in Philadelphia and let me tell you the whole night was insane.

Leading off the night was Elliot Lee who’s music was very inspirational to listen to. Not to leave out their incredibly unique outfit they wore, dancing and jumping all over the stage. Elliot Lee has a very neon pastel aesthetic that I very much enjoy and will definitely be on my list of shows to attend the next time they go on tour.

Second on the stage was HUNNY. This alt-rock band kept up the energy with their upbeat songs including “Televised” and a personal favorite of mine, “Vowels.” Both songs which are currently their top most played on their Spotify. The music was so fun I caught myself dancing to it while watching from the balcony of the TLA.

The second Waterparks stepped on stage, the energy was through the roof. Jeff (guitarist) and Otto (drummer) came out first with Awsten (lead singer) coming out last wearing the biggest red, fluffy hood coat I’ve ever seen. Honestly the outfit was amazing and made for some really great photos.

Within the first three songs the crowd surfing and moshing already began. The crowd wasted no time in having the time of their lives that night. Awsten himself was enjoying the crowd’s energy having said the Philly is always one of the craziest shows the band plays in. Also stating that Philly crowd surfs a lot more than any other state and after watching everyone that night I can agree with that. 

Waterparks are so incredibly amazing to watch live. Awsten is such a great performer and even in between songs makes sure that the audience is having a great time by either cracking jokes or interacting with fans directly.

Show Date: 05.19.23 | Philadelphia, PA @ Theater of Living Arts | Waterparks Crowns Philly Crowdsurfing Champs

Latrice Morgan
Latrice Morgan
Philly based music photographer who can’t get enough of seeing her favorite bands live and hearing her favorite songs being sung out loud.


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Latrice Morgan
Latrice Morgan
Philly based music photographer who can’t get enough of seeing her favorite bands live and hearing her favorite songs being sung out loud.

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